Stream Crossing Explorer (SCE):
   To analyze search results with the SCE, check the box before choosing your search parameters.
   Note that only parameters still showing after checking the box will be used for your search.

Location (choose multiple towns, watersheds):



Survey ID: "Survey Id" not available for SCE or 5 Aquatic datsets.

Crossing Code: "Crossing Code" not available for the SCE or 5 Aquatic datsets.

Evaluation is not available for the dataset(s) you selected.

Choose Data Sets (choose multiple):


"Last updated" is not available

"Date observed" is not available

Last updated from ...      

Last updated until ...             

Date observed from ...          

Date observed until ...           

What's New In Search (*** Please review. Updated 4/2/2024 ***)

SCE Help

  1. If you want to use the SCE to analyze your search results, you should check the checkbox at the top of the search form before choosing your search parameters. If you check the SCE box on the search form, the "Choose Data Sets" dialog (and some other search parameters) will be hidden because the datasets for anlysis in the SCE are chosen by default.
  2. After you click "Search," a "Map With SCE" button will become available. Once the SCE is open, you may choose additional attributes for analysis that do not appear in the search parameters or elsewhere in the NAACC data. Detailed information about SCE attributes may be found by clicking "About SCE" from the SCE menu bar.
  3. The SCE works independently, and you may use the search page to generate other search results while the SCE is open; however, if you do a new search with the SCE checkbox checked, a new SCE will open and you will lose the data you were analyzing previously.
  4. There are technological limits to how many points the SCE can render at once, and the maximum geographic area that will work with the SCE is a state. The states NY, PA, VA and WV have too many crossing points for the SCE, and you must choose a smaller geographic area when working with those states.
  5. Please be patient when working with other large geographic areas like ME, MA, and VT. Unsurveyed crossings and some charts may take a couple of seconds to render and thus the SCE interface may seem unresponsive. How responsive the SCE is will depend on the computer hardware you are using and how busy the server is. If you get a lot "timeout" errors in the SCE status window, please consider choosing a smaller geographic area to work with.

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